Mating Pygmy Squids
May 27, 2017
How to tell baby squid from pygmy squid? Pygmy squid mate, baby squid don’t (or so we think anyway). Marine biologist Dr. Jeffrey Low was leading a reef survey dive for Hantu Blog volunteers when he had what he claims to be one of his best dives at Pulau Hantu!
By Jeffrey Low – I was all done with training Hantu Blog volunteers in reef survey methods and swimming along the reef just looking out the donut doto, when something small and semi-transparent zipped across the hydroid I was examining [above photo]. “Oooh baby squid!”, I thought, pleased that my old eyes could still (barely) see small things in the water. Until I saw a second, smaller squid pair up with the first …. “Pygmy squids!!?” went through my mind as I, unbelievably, photographed the pair mating [top photo]! I was out of position for a clear side-ways shot, and the mating was too brief for a second shot.
One of the best dives in Singapore so far 🙂