The theme of the ASEAN Conference on Biodiversity 2009 is “Biodiversity in Focus – 2010 and Beyond”. The sub-themes selected for the Conference reflect the current global and regional priorities: (a) Biodiversity and Climate Change; (b) Access to Genetic Resources and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising out of their Utilisation; and (c) Economics of Ecosystems […]
Entries Categorized as 'Biology'
21-23 Oct (Wed-Fri): ASEAN Conference on Biodiversity 2009
September 28, 2009
Helping Albacore tuna come out of the can
August 11, 2009
Scientists are set to study the earbones and organs of more than 2000 albacore tuna to better understand the growth, age and breeding patterns of this increasingly important species. Albacore tuna are harvested from tropical to temperate waters, mainly for canning, but also to satisfy the growing market for fresh fish in Europe and the […]
Blog Log, 26 July 2009
July 27, 2009
Divers at Pulau Hantu enjoyed exceptional visibility today. Volunteer dive instructor Peimin said it’s the best it’s been since April! Sure am bummed I missed it once again. So here I am blogging vicariously (again) but feeling none less thrilled about what was spotted today on Hantu’s reefs! From shellfish to slugs, pipefish to seahorses […]
Killing the Ocean
May 27, 2009
World Ocean Conference and Coral Triangle Initiative participants should urgently consider nutrient pollution is killing coral as photographic evidence indicates, not CO2 induced climate change. Wrong diagnosis can be fatal. World Wildlife Fund and recent Indonesia CTI conference effort must focus on sanitation and proper sewage treatment to overcome nutrient pollution that is feeding algae […]
Ocean Acidification Threatens Over 1 Million Species
May 26, 2009
Ocean acidification is the name given to the ongoing decrease in the pH of the Earth’s oceans, caused by their uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Scientific data collected over many years are conclusive that oceanic absorption of atmospheric CO2 is causing chemical changes in seawater, making them more acidic (i.e. lowering pH). […]
Public Forum of SIBiol
May 26, 2009
First published on Raffles Museum News
Public Seminar: Crossing the Line – Illegal and Unwarranted Aliens in Singapore
May 21, 2009
To commemorate The International Day for Biological Diversity 2009, Professor Peter Ng will be giving the above titled talk on Friday 22nd May, 11am – 12pm, at the Function Hall, Botany Centre, Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Carpet eel-blenny
February 23, 2009
This Carpet eel-blenny was spotted by diver Lam Pei Min on Sunday’s dive at Pulau Hantu. When first spotted it kept still and remained cautious but within a couple of seconds, it began sneaking its way around the rock where it found a hole in the reef. It stood there and gazed into the hole […]
New species?
January 13, 2009
This little nudibranch photographed at Pulau Hantu by Ivan Choong in December 2008 just might be a new species. Or is it? Avid Hantu Blog diver and blogger Toh Chay Hoon writes on her blog: This nudibranch looks similar to Okenia purpurata. But the thing is that Okenia purpurata, according to The Sea Slug Forum, […]
October 2, 2008
Dr. James A. Murray, Assistant Professor at the Department of Biological Sciences at California State University, commented on the above photograph of Tritonia in Hantu waters: Very nice, thank you for showing me your Tritonia. The Tritonia up here can get to as long as 30 cm and weight nearly 2 kg! Dr. Murray studies […]