Blog Log: 17 April 2010

Date April 26, 2010

Aeolid feeding
While I was away from Singapore, Hantu Blog volunteers didn’t stop at what they were passionate about; they continued to dive at Hantu with friends and strangers alike, educating them about the life on local reefs and taking some incredible pictures like the one above of an Aeolid feeding.

allied shrimp
In typical blog volunteer spirit, eyes were peeled for the really tiny creatures such as this cryptic shrimp on a branch of a seafan.
sawtooth 1
Another cryptic shrimp but one that isn’t quite as tiny as the one before, this the Sawtooth or Gorgonian shrimp above.
Less cryptic on the reef, were the conspicuous and spectacular nudibranches in a assortment of colours, such as the Hypselodoris bullocki above, and the Slender Ceratosoma, and the Snakey Bornella below.
bornella 2
One other creature we’re famous for and which you’re almost bound to encounter on our reefs, is the Tigertail seahorse.
They may seem conspicuous in these photos, but can be tricky to spot on the reef when they point their noises into holes and hide themselves in nooks and shadows, which the Filefish below is trying to achieve as well!
Visit the Hantu Blog Gallery for more pictures.

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