Blog Log! Happy Fifth Anniversary! Videos!

Date March 31, 2009

As a prelude to the blog post from our Fifth Anniversary dive, here’s an assortment of videos from the waters of Pulau Hantu.

Yellow prawn-goby

Six banded Angelfish

Janss’ pipefish

Blue-speckled prawn-goby

Flatworms penis fencing

Java rabbitfish

Reef cuttlefish

More reef cuttlefish

Even more reef cuttlefish!

Tomato clown Anemonefish

Star puffer

Peacock anemone

4 Responses to “Blog Log! Happy Fifth Anniversary! Videos!”

  1. Jeff said:

    Where and when was the video of Janss’ pipefish taken??!!

  2. Jeff said:

    Duh, never mind the when, .. where??! 🙂

  3. CaT said:

    Happy Anniversary!
    Wonderful videos! Especially the flatworms…

  4. Blog Log, 26 July 2009 | Pulau Hantu said:

    […] cardinalfish. What a beautiful find! A video of it lurking in a crevice on Hantu reef can be seen here. Yellow prawn goby and Blind shrimp PHOTO: Jimmy […]

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