Abandoned cats on Pulau Hantu: Update
August 1, 2016
The Hantu Blog got together with volunteers from the Cat Welfare Society to Trap, Neuter and Relocate (TNR) cats on Pulau Hantu. The Hantu Blog learned about the cats from campers who visited the island in June. Two cats were caught. They have been neutered, and we are looking for homes for two of them. If you are able to adopt or foster either of them, please get in touch with us. Otherwise, if you are a cat feeder and think that you may be able to assist in the integration of the striped tabby with your community cats, please let us know. The cats will not be returned to the island. We want to keep our islands free from cats and a safe refuge for migratory birds and native reptiles that use the island to feed, hide and rest.
Tenuga Vijakumar from Cat Welfare Society baits a cat trap at Pulau Hantu in an effort to trap, neuter and relocate abandoned cats from the island.
Tenuga Vijakumar from Cat Welfare Society scouts the island with a volunteer from the Hantu Blog. With limited sources of fresh water on the island, Tenuga quickly identifies possible locations that the cats may be hiding.
As soon as the sun begins to set, the trapping begins. Our first cat was caught at dusk. It was quite emaciated and comparing its condition with photos from the campers in June, it would appear that its condition has deteriorated. As soon as the cat was transferred to a carrier cage, the trap was reset and the second cat was caught just a few minutes later. The speed with which the cats took to the baited traps may be an indication of the very limited sources of food available on the small island.
We are currently looking for someone to foster or adopt this tabby. Both cats were tame and could be touched. It is likely that they once had a home but were abandoned when they were no longer wanted. Please do not abandon animals on our islands or anywhere.
Thank you to the campers for alerting us to the cats on Pulau Hantu, and to the volunteers from CWS for lending their time and skills to trapping the cats!
January 21st, 2017 at 6:56 pm
I want the cat..
January 23rd, 2017 at 11:24 am
Hi Siti, thank you for contacting us!
we have already found homes for the two cats from Pulau Hantu.
August 11th, 2017 at 9:23 pm
If the said cats were caught. How come I saw the cats again June 2017??
August 17th, 2017 at 10:36 am
Dear Karyawan, the two cats mentioned in this post were caught and taken off the island in January. As of yesterday, we have received news from Cat Welfare and SPCA that there are two new cats on the island. As cats can be elusive animals, and sightings may vary from time to time, we rely on people such as yourself to be our eyes on the ground. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Efforts are underway to trap and neuter the cats that are currently on the island. Please stay tuned for updates.